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Education is a foundational and multi-generational priority at Brick Church.  Our educational efforts span from the Twos Program at the Brick Church School to 2nd and 3rd grade sacraments classes, to 8th grade confirmation class, to weekly Adult Christian Education events.  Sunday Church School starts in the nursery and continues through 7th grade.


Brick Church School

Since 1940 children have been learning and growing in a loving environment at the Brick Church School. Learning takes place within a program that fosters all areas of children’s development, physical, social, emotional, spiritual, language, cognitive. Thus, every aspect of the program, including the daily schedule, the classroom itself, the materials, and all activities and routines, promotes children’s growth and learning. Our nursery school classes begin with our Twos Program and continue through 4s and 5s.

Sunday Church School

The Brick Church Children's Ministry offers engaging Sunday programming designed for children from ages 3 through 7th grade. Our dedicated and enthusiastic volunteer staff will guide your children through inspiring Bible stories, nurturing their spiritual curiosity along the way. Our inclusive programs feature a variety of activities, including family dinners and worship, Sacraments Class, Advent Crafts, the joyous Christmas Pageant, as well as special services on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day for families to celebrate together.


Youth Choir

Brick Church offers children exceptional opportunities to lead worship through music. Led by Julianna Grabowski, the Youth Choirs learn a wide variety of music, grow in faith, and develop vocal skills for a lifetime of joyful music making. The choirs rehearse on Wednesday afternoons, and sing regularly on Sundays, as well as at signature events such as the Park Avenue Tree Lighting.

8th Grade Confirmation

Confirmation is a year-long opportunity for 8th graders to spend time with their peers, discuss the Christian faith, and get more involved in the Brick Church community. At the end of the year, students may choose to join The Brick Church as an active member. Confirmation Class meets Sundays at 9:00 AM beginning in September.

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Adult Christian Education

Adult Christian Education consists of Lecture Series arranged by the Adult Education Committee of Session. Presbyterians in centuries past worked for the right to have the Bible in our hands and in our own language. They believed that by reading Scripture and talking about what we read, we would grow in faith and knowledge, as guided by the Holy Spirit. We believe the Bible is meant to be read and studied in community so that the Holy Spirit can speak to us and reveal new insights. 

Co-Ed Bible Study

Brick Church offers a Co-Ed Bible Study at various times throughout the year for all to attend. Congregants, friends, and visitors are all invited to join the study which is presented by one of the Brick Church pastors.


Men's Bible Study

All men are invited to join the Men's Bible Study in exploring and discussing Biblical texts and their meaning for our lives. The Men's Bible Study meets Thursday mornings for thought-provoking discussion and fellowship. If you are interested in learning more about Brick Church and want to attend as a visitor, you are also welcome. 

Women's Bible Study

All women are invited to join the Thursday Bible study in exploring and discussing Biblical texts and their meaning for our lives. The Women’s Bible Study meets Thursday mornings for thought-provoking discussion and fellowship. If you are interested in learning more about Brick Church and want to attend as a visitor, you are also welcome. 


Working Women's Lunch Bible Study

Join the Working Women's Lunch group for a monthly Bible study and lunch gathering. Led by a minister, this special group offers a nurturing space to delve into the Scriptures while enjoying a delicious meal. Join us for this incredible lunchtime Bible study and make meaningful connections that will empower your faith journey. 

Summer Bible Study

Each summer, in lieu of Adult Christian Education lectures, we hold a minister and member-led Bible study prior to Sunday worship. This co-ed, intergenerational Bible study is open to all members and guests. We believe the Bible is meant to be read and studied in community so that the Holy Spirit can speak to us and reveal new insights. 

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Breakfast Discussions

The Men's Association at Brick Church sponsors monthly Breakfast Discussions for the entire Brick Church community.  Men and women come together once a month for breakfast featuring a guest speaker who moderates a lively and interactive discussion. Topics have ranged from Ukraine to Afghanistan, from the Pentagon Papers to Prisons and Policing, from Comedy to Cybersecurity.

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