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Help us reach our $2 million goal for the 2024 program year! Your contributions are vital in sustaining our beautiful worship services, providing education and faith formation for all ages, and supporting our mission work to help those in need. Our church relies on the generous support of our community, with stewardship contributions accounting for over half of our financial resources. We are incredibly grateful for your support, now and always.

Ways you can pledge:



Submit your pledge online and choose to give one time or create recurring payments here.


By Mail

Mail your pledge card to The Brick Presbyterian Church at 62 East 92nd Street, New York, NY 10128


By Email

Email to pledge your support.


In Person

Place your pledge card in the offertory plate during Sunday Worship or special services. 

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62 East 92nd Street

New York, NY 10128

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©2023 by The Brick Presbyterian Church

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