Ministry of Music
Sacred music proclaims the Word of God and gives us glimpses of God’s beauty. The voices of the Chancel Choir lead us each Sunday in prayer and praise, and our Worship & Arts series presents special musical events throughout the season. Music at Brick is led by Minister of Music Raymond Nagem.
Our congregation loves to sing, and we lift our voices in worship to sing what we believe. The words and music of our hymns, drawn from the early days of the Church all the way to the 21st century, bind us together as a community and teach the central ideas of our faith. To learn more about A Legacy of Sacred Songs, a collection of Brick Church’s favorite hymns, click here.
- Tue, Apr 01The Sanctuary
- Fri, Apr 18The Sanctuary
- Sat, May 10The Chapel

Chancel Choir
The professional singers of the Chancel Choir include some of New York City’s finest choral musicians, who are also extraordinary soloists in their own right. The choir sings each week during Sunday worship, as well as at special services for Christmas, Holy Week, and Easter. The Chancel Choir also includes volunteer choristers with excellent sight-reading and musicianship skills. To arrange an audition, contact Raymond Nagem.
Youth Choir
Brick Church offers children exceptional opportunities to lead worship through music. Led by Julianna Grabowski, the Youth Choirs learn a wide variety of music, grow in faith, and develop vocal skills for a lifetime of joyful music making. The choirs rehearse on Wednesday afternoons, and sing regularly on Sundays, as well as at signature events such as the Park Avenue Tree Lighting.

Worship & Arts
Brick Church opens its doors and welcomes all to experience the joyous, uplifting power of the performing arts. Music, dance, and drama can comfort, inspire, challenge, and bring us closer to the divine, showing us God’s glory reflected in all beautiful things. In addition to incorporating music and the arts into our regular worship services, we host multiple special events throughout the year. Click below for this season's flyer.

Dr. Raymond Nagem

Julianna Grabowski
Director of Children’s Music Ministries

Melissa Brassard
Wilson Family Sacred Music