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Blog Post

Prayer of Thanksgiving, Intercession, and Petition

Writer: Debbie SeraphimDebbie Seraphim
Shared during Sunday Worship on May 12, 2024.

"As we gather ourselves as a community in prayer, we also want you to have the opportunity to offer your personal prayers confidentially. Immediately following worship, a member of the Prayer Partners team will be available at the front of the sanctuary to pray with you."

Let us pray.

Sovereign Lord, creator of the universe, sustainer of all life, our rock and our redeemer, our light and truth and mercy and justice, our heavenly Father.  We praise you for your holiness, your truth and wisdom that guide our steps each day.  We give thanks for your presence in our lives through the life, death and resurrection of your Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit that lives in all of our hearts this day.  We are nothing without you. We yearn to hear your voice and call on our lives, to set our paths straight as we honor you with all that we are.  

We are so aware of the parts of this world living in darkness, in turmoil, fighting wars, facing hunger and poverty, and we pray for your holy light to shine in that darkness.  We know that your faithful loving power will never be overcome by chaos and disorder.  We ask for your peace, comfort and strength for those struggling with illness, broken relationships, failing health or lack of faith.  Bind up the broken hearted with your grace and love.

Send us out this day Lord to be your light to others.  We ask for your courage to be the church Jesus called us to be and that we will love and serve our neighbors as He taught us.  Forgive us when we falter and chase the gold shiny objects that glitter so brightly, but have no power to transform us.  Let us allow the Holy Spirit to enter into our hearts to be the transforming power you have promised.  

In the strong and holy name of Jesus Christ we pray, AMEN.




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