Shared during Sunday Worship on June 30, 2024.
Dear God,
Thank you for the gift of Life, and the love you show us every day, and the example you gave us in Jesus Christ. Help us to keep the knowledge of this great gift up front in the decisions we make during the day! Help us to understand that loving you and others is our primary purpose.
Dear God, please help us to be patient and accepting of all people. Those who we agree with and those we don’t. Help us to live by example, following Jesus’ teaching, given to us in the gospels and letters. Help us to understand the love you have for all people teaching us to show compassion and caring to others.
Help us to understand that only you have the answers and judgement. We have the greatest gift! Life! Thank you for Summertime, the outdoors, the magnificence of this city! Thank you for this church home. Old friends, new friends, beautiful music, singing and the dedicated loving Christian leadership of our pastors and staff. Thank you for the opportunity to give of our time, talent, gifts, and service.
In Jesus name we pray,