Shared during Sunday Worship on November 12, 2023.
We thank You, God of Heaven and earth, that You’ve revealed to Your people the mystery of the gospel in holy Scripture: the Lord Jesus Christ. We pray that Your will for the nations will be furthered: that You would reconcile all the church to Yourself through Christ’s death and resurrection and the gift of the Holy Spirit. We pray that You would forgive us of our sins and deliver us from all evil, that we might worship You with a clear conscience: in spirit and in truth.
Compassionate God, infuse us with Christ’s compassion for our ministry in the world, especially among those who don’t know God. Grant us divine patience and grace as we fulfill our respective callings, so that in all things God’s love may be seen and felt by those to whom we’ve been sent. Hear us, God, when we call and guide us both in our journey of faith and our faithful witness in the world. Thank You for Your deep care for souls and for staying true to all Your promises of salvation even today, in Jesus’ name. Amen!