In the Presbyterian tradition, the sacraments of baptism and communion are typically celebrated as part of Sunday morning worship. Weddings, funerals, and memorial services are usually scheduled at times other than Sunday morning. All of these events are services of worship in which praise is directed toward God, God's word is proclaimed, and God is approached in prayer.
For historical inquiries about archival records, such as old marriage or funeral records, please visit the Presbyterian Historical Society.

Baptism is one of two sacraments, or “sacred acts” that Jesus commanded his followers to observe, the other being the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Baptism is the act of initiation into the Christian faith and into the Christian Church.
In the Presbyterian tradition, both children and adults may be baptized, though most Presbyterian parents choose to have their children baptized as infants.
Marriage in the Christian tradition is a lifelong covenant made in the presence of God and into which God is invited. A wedding is a service of worship in the context of which two persons enter into the covenant of marriage.
At The Brick Presbyterian Church, all weddings are Christian in their theological orientation, implying that at least one member of the couple be a confessing Christian. The basic format of the wedding service is drawn from one of the several liturgical resources of the Presbyterian Church (USA), usually the Book of Common Worship.

Funerals & Memorials
Funerals and memorial services are services of worship conducted in witness to the resurrection and in celebration and remembrance of a life that has ended. Such services usually include praise and thanksgiving to God for the gift of a life, affirmation of our trust in God’s gift of life eternal in Jesus Christ, words of comfort to those who mourn, and the remembering of the life that has ended.
Sunday Sanctuary Flowers
If you would like to sponsor the flowers in our sanctuary one week in loving memory of (or in celebration of) a loved one, please make a donation below. Use the form to provide us with the wording for your dedication as it will appear in the worship bulletin (example: “In loving memory of… by…” or “In celebration of… by…”). Thank you for considering helping to adorn our sanctuary to the glory of God.